digestive system diseases symptoms and treatment

Imtiaz Ahmad

Digestive system diseases symptoms and treatment

Digestive system diseases symptoms and treatment, The most common digestive system disease symptoms include bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, pain, nausea, and vomiting. Accurate diagnosis of digestive system disease symptoms involves a thorough medical and physical examination. Some patients with digestive system disease symptoms may require a more detailed evaluation.

Digestive system diseases reasons

Digestive system diseases symptoms and treatment , Currently, the majority of our new generation is suffering from some digestive complications. I consider their reasons. So their main reason is the bad balance of their diet. We do not know the pleasure of the tongue, we make our organs suffer. The acquisition of food is considered necessary for the maintenance of life and development of life. That is, the purpose of food should be to maintain life, not the purpose of life should be food.

We remove the wheat husk

Digestive system diseases symptoms and treatment, Since we have abandoned the use of simple foods. Our body has become a house of diseases. A century ago, only flour prepared by hand grinding was used. Wheat husk ingredients used to be present when the flour was thick. In light of modern research, wheat husks are rich in nutrients.

We have stopped using yogurt for breakfast 

A researcher started his research to find out how people living in this region live longer than people living in other regions. After a long period of research, he came to the conclusion that the people of this region use curd in their breakfast. Due to this their digestive and excretory system does not suffer from any complications. Shifa-ul-Mulk Hakeem Muhammad Hasan Qurashi narrated this incident in Jami-ul-Hikmat.

Apart from this, those people also used curd or curd lassi for bathing. Because of this, disorders like dry skin, itching, and lack of sleep used to get resolved automatically. Whereas now in the modern age we have not only abandoned these things but have normalized the use of new inventions. 

Instead of living in a natural environment, we have adopted artificial things

Fifty or twenty years ago, the environment was also very simple. People used to plant trees inside their houses, and under these trees, they took shelter from the scorching sun and scorching sun in summer. In today's age, it is lacking in cities, and villages too. Rather, the situation has reached this point, that there is no fresh air or light in the living rooms.

We have adopted the use of air conditioners in offices and homes in such a way that it is impossible to imagine spending the summer without them. As soon as we have to get out of this self-imposed enclosure, we become ill as a result of not being able to cope with the heat of summer. Because our nature is not used to bearing the heat.

We do not follow meal times 

Where we have removed simplicity from food, clothing, and environment, where we have become accustomed to unnecessary delays in other programs, the meal times have also been affected. It often happens that the midday meal is served in the evening or the evening meal is served at midnight. By not observing the timings, where our schedule gets disrupted, and by not eating food on time, our digestive system suffers from many complications. 

We do not eat food slowly and chew it

We break down over food, just as soldiers attack the enemy's army on the battlefield. We eat less food. And waste more food. And we made it a habit to eat more than necessary. Which causes many diseases. And due to diseases, we have to stay away from certain foods. In this way, we take away great blessings from ourselves with our own hands. The increasing rate of digestive diseases indicates this. That we have completely forgotten the habits of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ in matters of food and drink. Whose life is a role model for us?.

Guidelines for the treatment of digestive disorders 

Eat food after washing your hands

Food should be eaten after washing hands, and after washing hands with water, the towel should never be used. Using a towel defeats the purpose of hand washing. Because we use the towel many times after washing it once. And the contamination from the first use is applied to the hands again. Better to use tissue paper. And if you consider it necessary to use a towel. So you should wash the towel after every use of the towel.

Make sure to eat Greek yogurt in the morning

Consuming yogurt for breakfast can save you from digestive and excretory complications. And it can help improve the digestive system as well as increase the appetite. It has been observed that consuming Greek yogurt on an empty stomach in the morning can reduce your bloated stomach.

Compulsory use of vegetables and fruits in your diet

You must use vegetables and fruits with your lunch, the fiber in vegetables and fruits can help strengthen your digestive system. Apart from this, fruits and vegetables can prove beneficial in stomach irritation and acidity.

Eat food while sitting down 

Food should be eaten sitting and chewing so that the stomach does not have to spend much energy digesting food.

You should not eat on a full stomach

Breakfast and dinner must be eaten. You should eat when you are hungry. One should not eat food on a full stomach, Hakeem Kabir Uddin says that the stomach should be divided into 3 parts, one for food, the other for water, and the third for air.

Water should be drunk before eating

You should drink water before eating food or drink it in the middle, you should not drink water immediately after eating food, drinking water immediately after eating can cause many diseases.

A cold drink should not be used unnecessarily

30 years ago, cold drinks were rarely used. Often the soda drink was drunk for a kind of stomach ache. By which the patient felt better. But today we consider it necessary to have a cold drink with every meal in the day. Which is not beneficial for our digestive system.

Overeating affects creativity

However, it is a general observation that when food is eaten more than necessary. So the brain does not work properly, because the digestive function is slow or poor and causes the birth of Gas in the stomach. And this gas goes to the brain in the form of vapors and affects its functions. Also, when a part of the body is suffering, attention is often directed to it. In such a case, the mind cannot perform tasks such as planning or problem-solving and creativity.

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